Concept to Market


Pharmaceuticals, healthcare and medical devices

A Glimpse of Products Undertaken for Commercialization Through CONCEPT-TO-MARKET Model:

This list is an aliquot of the main list presented to give an preliminary idea about the type of products undertaken

  • Microsphere Gel, US Market

  • Ophthalmic Suspension, US Market

  • Anti Cancer Formulation, EU and Latin America Market

  • Root Canal Sealer, India Market

  • Wound Healing Formula, India Market

  • Oral Dispersible Tablet Formulation, India Market

  • Paediatric Care, India Market

  • Anti-Allergy Products, India and Exports

  • Metal Extractor, India Market

  • Ovulation Diagnostic Device, India Market


Scientifically Proven herbal based products

A Glimpse of Products Undertaken for Commercialization Through CONCEPT-TO-MARKET Model:

This list is an aliquot of the main list presented to give an preliminary idea about the type of products undertaken

  • Anti-Diabetic Care, India and Export

  • NCE Development from Herbs, Regulated Market

  • Herbal based Anti-Allergy Products, India and Exports

  • Intimacy Hygiene, India Market

  • Skin Care and Hair Growth Formula, India Market

  • Women and Maternity Health Products, India and Exports

  • Hemostasis Agent Formula, India Market


Applied science research based products for industrial usage

A Glimpse of Products Undertaken for Commercialization Through CONCEPT-TO-MARKET Model:

This list is an aliquot of the main list presented to give an preliminary idea about the type of products undertaken

  • Corrosion Inhibitors for Water Submerged Surfaces,India and Export

  • Volatile Corrosion Inhibitors, India and Export

  • Bio-Surfactant, India and Export

  • Lumbrokinase Synthesis, India and Export

  • Decontaminant Synthsis Product, India Market

  • BSF Larva, India and Export